
Vision6 REST API

Welcome to the Vision6 REST API documentation.

The REST API supports transactional methods that can be used to trigger time-sensitive and critical communications. Examples are welcome packs, invoices (as attachments), statements, payment confirmations and password resets.

This API has:

If you're migrating from the JSON-RPC API then we suggest reading our Migration Guide.

Getting Started

Prior knowledge of programming with REST APIs is recommended before using Vision6 REST API. If you need assistance with your integration, please contact our support team who can help with any technical questions. Full Vision6 documentation is also available at

To prepare for sending emails you will need:

Resources and Endpoints

Collections, instances and endpoints are used to explain how to use the REST API.


A collection is a paginated resource with zero or more instances.

Collections have pluralised names such as /v1/lists, /v1/messages and /v1/transactional-groups.


An instance is a representation of an entity in the product or a container for a set of related data.

Instances are located at a collection resource followed by an id and have singular names such as /v1/messages/7847, /v1/lists/14/contacts/497 and /v1/messages/45/content.


An endpoint can list or act upon a resource.


HTTP Headers:

Authorization: Bearer NzFiYTM4ZTEwMjcwZTcyZWIzZTA0NmY3NjE3MTIyMjM1Y2NlMmNlNWEyM

Authentication is required to ensure that platform data is secure for all requests. Bearer tokens are used to receive access tokens.

If an invalid Authorization value is provided an error will be emitted.

API Keys / Access Tokens

REST compatible API keys can be used as access tokens when sending requests. REST compatible API keys do not have expiry dates.

When creating new API keys only select the minimum access level required. Each endpoint within this documentation has a minimum access level required to complete a request. For more information on access levels, visit Users & Account Access Levels.

To validate that API keys are compatible with the REST API you can send a request to the API Root. If a 200 response is received then the API key is valid.


Wildcard Replacement with JSON Contact Fields Sample:

Your invite code is <a href="">%%event_code%%</a>.

Your invite code is <a href="">SUMMER-FESTIVAL</a>.
    "email": "",
    "event_code": "SUMMER-FESTIVAL"

Wildcards allow for key/value replacements within text. Wildcards are used to insert personalised or dynamic content into the templates.

The format for wildcards is %%wildcard_key%%. Wildcard key characters are required to be lowercase, alphanumeric or underscores.

Values that accept wildcards are:

Fallback Text

Wildcard Fallback Values with JSON Contact Fields Sample:

Dear %%first_name**Valued Customer%%!

Dear Valued Customer!
    "email": "",
    "first_name": ""

Fallback text replaces empty or not present values. For example, a contact may have an empty first name, so the fallback text is shown instead.

The format for wildcard fallbacks is %%wildcard_key**fallback text%%. Wildcard key characters are required to be lowercase, alphanumeric or underscores. Fallback text can be plain text.

It is recommended for fallbacks to be used only for short text. For more advanced requirements Conditional Wildcards should be used.

Conditional Wildcards

Conditional Wildcards with JSON Contact Fields Sample:

    <p>You are a VIP member.</p>
    <p>Welcome to the event.</p>

    <p>We have the best promotion for you.</p>
    <p>We have a promotion for you.</p>
    <p>Here are a selection of products you may like.</p>
    "email": "",
    "ticket_purchased": "vip",
    "customer_type": "single",
    "purchases": 3

To make it easier to send templates with personalised content we provide conditional wildcards. Conditional wildcards allow for basic programmatic conditionals to be written within content. The wildcards that are available are based on recipient wildcards, attachments and existing contact fields.

Conditional wildcards, allow you to personalise content of an email based on certain data in a list field (or conditions) for a contact. Conditional wildcards allow for basic programmatic conditionals to be written within content. The wildcards that are available are based on recipient wildcards, attachments and existing contact fields.

Values that accept conditional wildcards are:

For more information on using conditional wildcards visit Advanced Conditional Wildcards.


Search by Contact Field:

GET /v1/lists/432/contacts?

Search for Contacts with Multiple Conditions:

GET /v1/lists/432/contacts?source:ne=promo&city:in=brisbane,sydney

Resource payloads can be modified to return a filtered list of instances by providing query filters.

All values must match the field's type. i.e, you cannot supply a date value to an integer field.

Operator Description
= Return results that match the value.
Example: /v1/lists?name=Black%20Friday
:ne Return results that do not match the value.
Example: /v1/lists/45/contacts?promotion:ne=christmas
:in Return results that match the values in an array.
Example: /v1/messages?id:in=106,107


Paginate Contacts by a Number Field:

GET /v1/lists/174/contacts?external_user_id:in=12000..&limit=100

Search Contacts that are Older than a Date:

GET /v1/lists/2974/contacts?creation_date:in=..2020-03-24T04:47:58Z

We allow resources to be filtered by values ranges with the combination of :in and .. operators. Values types are limited to integer, date and datetime.

Resource payloads are limited by the limit parameter.

Operator Range Description
:in=[start]..[end] Between Return results between the [start] and [end] values.
Example: /v1/messages?id:in=1..6
:in=[start].. Greater Than Return results that are greater than the [start] value.
Example: /v1/list/45/contacts?amount:in=50..
:in=..[end] Less Than Return results that are less than the [end] value.
Example: /v1/list/45/contacts?id:in=..10
Multiple Ranges Return results between multiple comma separated ranges.
Example: /v1/messages?id:in=1..6,100..120


Using pagination you can avoid returning a large number of results by limiting them to a specific number.


Endpoint with Limits:

GET /v1/messages?limit=10

You can use the limit parameter to limit the number of results. By default, the limit is set to 100 but can be updated to return a maximum of 1,000 results.

This will limit the returned results to 10.


Endpoint with Limit and Offset:

GET /v1/messages?limit=10&offset=30

The offset parameter is used to paginate resources.

The example provided will offset the collection by 30, therefore returning the 31st to 40th collection objects.


Collections are ordered by creation_time (descending) instance values by default. Additional order parameters are not supported.

Dates and Times

We support the following ISO 8601 formatted dates and times. These apply to both requests and responses.

The formats are:

Type Field Type Format Example
Timestamp timestamp YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ 2020-04-05T23:46:02
Datetime datetime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS 2020-04-05T23:46:02
Date date YYYY-MM-DD 2020-04-05

All datetimes and timestamps by default are in UTC.

API Discoverability

The goal of the API is to be extremely flexible and self discoverable. Every resource has a _links property detailing the location of that resource, parents or other instances. You can use these links to navigate through the API without knowledge of specific endpoints.


Response with expanded children:

    "id": 3178,
    "name": "Customer List",
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178?expand=contacts"
        "contacts": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts"
    "_embedded": {
        "contacts": {
            "offset": 0,
            "limit": 100,
            "size": 1,
            "_links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts"
            "_embedded": {
                "contacts": [
                        "id": 347,
                        "list_id": 3178,
                        "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
                        "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
                        "email": "",
                        "mobile": "0400000000",
                        "subscribed": {
                            "email": true,
                            "mobile": true
                        "blocked": {
                            "email": false,
                            "mobile": false
                        "account_key": "hUIUyiu879",
                        "reply_to": "",
                        "_links": {
                            "self": {
                                "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts/347"
                            "list": {
                                "href": "/v1/lists/3178"

To allow for linked resources to be returned in responses we support expansions. By expanding responses more data can be returned and fewer API requests are required.

Expansion can be done via the expand query string parameter.

Rate Limiting

The API limits are:

We suggest that requests are to be sent from a single IP address, per account, at any time.

When sending a high number of requests we recommend monitoring concurrent requests to ensure that limits are not exceeded.

Automation Triggers

Automations allow you to send email or SMS messages based on various triggers. The following triggers are completed for the listed actions. For an overview on automations, along with a full list of triggers, visit our support article.

Standard Automations

Action/s Trigger
Create Contacts When a Contact is created from the REST API
Update Contacts When a Contact is updated from the REST API

Advanced Automations

Action/s Trigger
Create Contacts REST API Contact Created
Update Contacts REST API Contact Updated

API Root

Our API root provides access to all linked resources and access token details from the root url.

The Root Object

Example Object

    "access_token_scope": "report.view,contact.create",
    "access_token_creation_time": "2020-06-30T00:03:18Z",
    "access_token_expiry_time": null,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/"
        "lists": {
            "href": "/v1/lists"
        "messages": {
            "href": "/v1/messages"
        "transactional_groups": {
            "href": "/v1/transactional-groups"


Field Description
access_token_scope string A comma separated list of scopes available.
Example: report.view,contact.create
access_token_creation_time string, timestamp The access token's creation time.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
access_token_expiry_time string, timestamp, nullable The access token's expiry time.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
_links object Self discoverable links to the current object are provided.

Get API Root

HTTP Response

200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "access_token_scope": "report.view,contact.create",
    "access_token_creation_time": "2020-06-30T00:03:18Z",
    "access_token_expiry_time": null,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/"
        "lists": {
            "href": "/v1/lists"
        "messages": {
            "href": "/v1/messages"
        "transactional_groups": {
            "href": "/v1/transactional-groups"

Returns all linked resources and access token details from the root url.


GET /v1/

Minimum API Key Access Level: Report Access


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses. There are no endpoint specific errors for this request.


A list is a collection of contacts.

Lists can be created via the JSON-RPC API or via the platform.

The List Object

Example List

    "id": 3178,
    "name": "Customer List",
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178"
        "contacts": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts"


Field Description
id integer Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 3178
name string, nullable The instance's name.
Example: Customer List
creation_time string, timestamp The instance's creation time.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
last_modified_time string, timestamp The instance's last modified time.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
_links object Self discoverable links to the current object and contacts are provided.

Get Lists

Get one or more lists with the following endpoints.

Get all Lists

HTTP Response

200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "size": 1,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/lists"
    "_embedded": {
        "lists": [
                "id": 3178,
                "name": "Customer List",
                "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
                "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": "/v1/lists/3178"
                    "contacts": {
                        "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts"

Returns a collection of your lists.


GET /v1/lists{?id,name,creation_time,last_modified_time,fields}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Standard Access


Field Description
id integer, optional Filter IDs by number filters.
Example: 7
name string, optional Filter names by string filters.
Example: Customer List
creation_time string, timestamp, optional Filter creation times by date and time filters.
Example: 2019-12-20T04:12:00Z
last_modified_time string, timestamp, optional Filter last modified times by date and time filters.
Example: 2019-12-20T04:12:00Z
fields string, optional Select the fields to be within responses. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • id
  • name
  • creation_time
  • last_modified_time
Example: id,email


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses. There are no endpoint specific errors for this request.

Get a List

HTTP Response

200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id": 3178,
    "name": "Customer List",
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178"
        "contacts": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts"

Returns the list with the given ID.


GET /v1/lists/{id}{?expand,fields}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Standard Access


Field Description
id integer, required Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 89
expand string, optional Expand the response via one or more links. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • contacts - Emit a collection of contacts linked to the list.
fields string, optional Select the fields to be within responses. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • id
  • name
  • creation_time
  • last_modified_time
Example: id,email


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses. There are no endpoint specific errors for this request.


A contact is an individual in one of your lists.

Recommendations when managing contacts are:

List Fields

Example Contact with Additional Fields

    "id": 347,
    "list_id": 3178,
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "email": "",
    "mobile": "0400000000",
    "blocked": {
        "email": false,
        "mobile": false
    "subscribed": {
        "email": true,
        "mobile": true
    "is_active": true,
    "double_opt_in": true,
    "double_opt_in_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "account_key": "hUIUyiu879",
    "reply_to": "",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts/347"
        "list": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178"

Contact instances often contain additional fields, based on their list fields. These fields will be added to each instance automatically.

Field names will be converted to wildcard accepted keys with lowercase, alphanumeric and underscore characters. e.g, the name Reply-To will be converted to the key reply_to.

List fields can be searched using filters, however be sure to convert the field names to keys. e.g, Filter Account Key via the query ?account_key=hUIUyiu879.

For more information on list fields, visit our support article.

Field Types

These are the available list fields with value types and examples.

Field Description
Email string This field type is the email attribute within contact instances. Only one email field can be created within a list.
Mobile Phone string This field type is the mobile attribute within contact instances. Only one mobile phone field can be created within a list.
Example: 0422111333
Phone Number string Example: 0422333111
First Name string Example: Cameron
Last Name string Example: Johnston
Address Line string Example: 123 Example St, Brisbane, QLD
Suburb string Example: Brisbane
Postcode or ZIP Code string Example: 4000
Website Address / URL string Example:
State string Example: Queensland
Gender string Example: Female
Country string Example: Australia
Industry string Example: Community & Sport
Date of Birth string, date Example: 1990-01-01
Unsubscribe Reason string Example: I no longer want to receive these emails
Unsubscribe Feedback string Example: My unsubscribe reason is...
Text Field string Example: Free Text!
Password Field string Example: passw0rd
Currency float Example: 123456.12
Number float Example: 45.124
Dropdown string Example: Selected Value
Date Picker string, date or datetime Example: 2020-04-01
Radio Buttons string Example: option1
Checkbox string Example: option1,option2
Comment Field string Example: This is a comment!
File Upload string Example: [file_url]

Reserved Field Names

If a field name is converted to one of the following keys, their value will be ignored.

The Contact Object

Example Contact

    "id": 347,
    "list_id": 3178,
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "email": "",
    "mobile": "0400000000",
    "blocked": {
        "email": false,
        "mobile": false
    "subscribed": {
        "email": true,
        "mobile": true
    "is_active": true,
    "double_opt_in": true,
    "double_opt_in_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts/347"
        "list": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178"


Field Description
id integer Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 347
list_id integer The list id of the list that the contact is in.
Example: 3178
creation_time string, timestamp The instance's creation time.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
last_modified_time string, timestamp The instance's last modified time.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
email string, nullable The email of the contact.
mobile string, nullable The mobile phone number of the contact.
Example: 0400000000
subscribed object The subscribed status of the contact. boolean True if the contact's email is subscribed.
Example: true boolean True is the contact's mobile phone number is subscribed.
Example: true
blocked object The blocked status of the contact. boolean True if the contact's email is blocked.
Example: false boolean True if the contact's mobile phone number is blocked.
Example: false
is_active boolean The active status of the contact.
Example: true
double_opt_in boolean Whether or not the contact has confirmed their subscription via email.

Updating the double opt in time via the API is handy when your contacts have already verified their email via another product.

How double opt ins can help your email sends can be found in Improve Deliverability & Open Rates With a Double Opt-In Process.
Example: true
double_opt_in_time timestamp, nullable The time that the contact confirmed their subscription via email.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
[list_fields] string, optional List fields are dynamically inserted with converted names to keys. Keys only use lowercase, alphanumeric or underscore characters. Values are to the field type.
Example: 03/06/20
_links object Self discoverable links to the current object are provided.

Get Contacts

Get all Contacts

Get all Contacts

GET /v1/lists/174/contacts

Filter by Creation Time

GET /v1/lists/174/contacts?creation_time:in=2019-12-20T04:12:00Z..

Filter by List Field

GET /v1/lists/174/contacts?landing_page=new_years

Filter by Multiple List Fields

GET /v1/lists/174/contacts?landing_page=new_years&country=AU

HTTP Response

200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "size": 1,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts"
    "_embedded": {
        "contacts": [
                "id": 347,
                "list_id": 3178,
                "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
                "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
                "email": "",
                "mobile": "0400000000",
                "blocked": {
                    "email": false,
                    "mobile": false
                "subscribed": {
                    "email": true,
                    "mobile": true
                "is_active": true,
                "double_opt_in": false,
                "double_opt_in_time": null,
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts/347"
                    "list": {
                        "href": "/v1/lists/3178"

Returns a collection of your contacts within a linked list.


GET /v1/lists/{list_id}/contacts{?id,email,mobile,creation_time,last_modified_time,is_active,double_opt_in,double_opt_in_time,[list_fields],fields}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Standard Access


Field Description
list_id integer, required Unique identifier for the linked list.
Example: 3178
id integer, optional Filter IDs by number filters.
Example: 347
email string, optional Filter email addresses by string filters.
mobile string, optional Filter mobile numbers by string filters.
Example: 0400000000
creation_time string, timestamp, optional Filter creation times by date and time filters.
Example: 2019-12-20T04:12:00Z
last_modified_time string, timestamp, optional Filter last modified times by date and time filters.
Example: 2019-12-20T04:12:00Z
is_active boolean, optional The active status of the contact.
Example: false
double_opt_in boolean, optional Whether or not the contact has confirmed their subscription via email.
Example: true
double_opt_in_time timestamp, optional The datetime of when the contact confirmed their subscription via email.
Example: 2020-04-06T08:21:00Z
[list_fields] string, optional List fields may be filtered when their names are converted keys. Keys only use lowercase, alphanumeric or underscore characters. Values are to match the field type.
Example: 03/06/20
fields string, optional Select the fields to be within responses. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • id
  • list_id
  • creation_time
  • last_modified_time
  • email
  • mobile
  • subscribed
  • blocked
  • creation_time
  • last_modified_time
  • is_active
  • double_opt_in
  • double_opt_in_time
  • [list_fields]
Example: id,email,account_key


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses. There are no endpoint specific errors for this request.

Get a Contact

HTTP Response

200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id": 347,
    "list_id": 3178,
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "email": "",
    "mobile": "0400000000",
    "blocked": {
        "email": false,
        "mobile": false
    "subscribed": {
        "email": true,
        "mobile": true
    "is_active": true,
    "double_opt_in": false,
    "double_opt_in_time": null,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts/347"
        "list": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178"

Returns the contact with the given ID within a linked list.


GET /v1/lists/{list_id}/contacts/{id}{?fields}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Standard Access


Field Description
list_id integer, required Unique identifier for the linked list.
Example: 3178
id integer, required Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 347
fields string, optional Select the fields to be within responses. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • id
  • list_id
  • creation_time
  • last_modified_time
  • email
  • mobile
  • subscribed
  • blocked
  • creation_time
  • last_modified_time
  • is_active
  • double_opt_in
  • double_opt_in_time
  • [list_fields]
Example: id,email


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses. There are no endpoint specific errors for this request.

Create Contacts

Create one or more contacts with the following endpoints.

Create Multiple Contacts

Create multiple contacts within a single request.

Create Multiple Contacts

    "contacts": [
            "email": "",
            "account_key": "pwNtDm2h"
            "mobile": "0400000000",
            "subscribed": {
                "email": false,
                "mobile": true

HTTP Response

204 No Content
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


POST /v1/lists/{list_id}/contacts{?remove_unsubscribers}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Standard Access


Field Description
contacts array, required A collection of contact instances.
contacts.* object, required Each contact instance can use the attributes outlined in Create a Single Contact. A maximum of 1000 contact instances can be sent per request.


Field Description
remove_unsubscribers string, optional This parameter provides the ability to not create contacts if they have an email and/or mobile field as an address within the unsubscriber list.

Defaults to none. Values include:
  • any - Do not create contact instances that have an email and/or mobile field that matches an address within the unsubscribers list for the account.
  • list - Do not create contact instances that have an email and/or mobile field that matches an address within the unsubscribers list for the requested list.
  • none - Create all contacts instances without checking for unsubscribers.
Example: any


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses.

Code Description
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The list does not contain an email type field
Developer Message:
An email address field is required on the list in order to save this field
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The list does not contain a mobile phone type field
Developer Message:
A mobile phone address field is required on the list in order to save this field
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
No contacts created
Developer Message:
No contacts were created due to the state of the remove_unsubscribers query parameter in the request.
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Cannot create, modify or delete contacts in this list
Developer Message:
List is a system list which cannot be modified.

Create a Single Contact

Create with an Email Address

    "email": "",
    "mobile": "0400000000",
    "account_key": "pwNtDm2h"

Subscribe and mark as already verified their email via another product

    "email": "",
    "double_opt_in": true

HTTP Response

201 Created
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id": 347,
    "list_id": 3178,
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "email": "",
    "mobile": "0400000000",
    "blocked": {
        "email": false,
        "mobile": false
    "subscribed": {
        "email": true,
        "mobile": true
    "is_active": true,
    "double_opt_in": false,
    "double_opt_in_time": null,
    "account_key": "pwNtDm2h",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts/347"
        "list": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178"

Returns the new contact instance.


POST /v1/lists/{list_id}/contacts{?remove_unsubscribers}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Standard Access


Field Description
email string, optional The email of the contact.
mobile string, optional The mobile phone number of the contact.
Example: 0400000000
[list_fields] string, optional List fields can be submitted when their name is has been converted to only use lowercase, alphanumeric or underscore characters. Values must match the field type.
Example: 03/06/20
subscribed object, optional The subscribed status of the contact. boolean, optional True if the contact's email is subscribed.
Example: true boolean, optional True is the contact's mobile phone number is subscribed.
Example: true
is_active boolean, optional The active status of the contact.
Example: true
double_opt_in boolean, optional If set to true then double_opt_in_time will be updated to the current time.

Allowing a contact to be double opted in via the API is handy when your contacts have already verified their email via another product.

How double opt ins can help your email sends can be found in Improve Deliverability & Open Rates With a Double Opt-In Process.
Example: true


Field Description
remove_unsubscribers string, optional This parameter provides the ability to not create contacts if they have an email and/or mobile field as an address within the unsubscriber list.

Defaults to none. Values include:
  • any - Do not create contact instances that have an email and/or mobile field that matches an address within the unsubscribers list for the account.
  • list - Do not create contact instances that have an email and/or mobile field that matches an address within the unsubscribers list for the requested list.
  • none - Create all contacts instances without checking for unsubscribers.
Example: any


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses.

Code Description
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The list does not contain an email type field
Developer Message:
An email address field is required on the list in order to save this field
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The list does not contain a mobile phone type field
Developer Message:
A mobile phone address field is required on the list in order to save this field
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
No contacts created
Developer Message:
No contacts were created due to the state of the remove_unsubscribers query parameter in the request.
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Cannot create, modify or delete contacts in this list
Developer Message:
List is a system list which cannot be modified.

Update Contacts

Update one or more contacts with the following endpoints.

Update Multiple Contacts

Update multiple contacts within a single request.

Update Multiple Contacts

    "contacts": [
            "id": 748,
            "email": "",
            "account_key": "pwNtDm2h"
            "id": 14,
            "mobile": "0400000000",
            "subscribed": {
                "email": false,
                "mobile": true

HTTP Response

204 No Content
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


PATCH /v1/lists/{list_id}/contacts

Minimum API Key Access Level: Standard Access


Field Description
contacts array, required A collection of contact instances.
contacts.* object, required Each contact instance can use the attributes outlined in Update a Single Contact. A maximum of 1000 contact instances can be sent per request.
contacts.*.id integer, required Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 3178


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses.

Code Description
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The list does not contain an email type field
Developer Message:
An email address field is required on the list in order to save this field
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The list does not contain a mobile phone type field
Developer Message:
A mobile phone address field is required on the list in order to save this field
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Double opt-in flag cannot be reset
Developer Message:
Double opt-in cannot be reset to false once it has been set to true
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Cannot create, modify or delete contacts in this list
Developer Message:
List is a system list which cannot be modified.

Update a Single Contact

Update Contact

    "email": "",
    "mobile": "0400000000",
    "account_key": "pwNtDm2h"

Unsubscribe via Email Address

    "subscribed": {
        "email": false,
        "mobile": true

Mark as Already Verified (by Email Address) via Another Product

    "email": "",
    "double_opt_in": true

HTTP Response

200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id": 347,
    "list_id": 3178,
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "email": "",
    "mobile": "0400000000",
    "blocked": {
        "email": false,
        "mobile": false
    "subscribed": {
        "email": true,
        "mobile": true
    "is_active": true,
    "double_opt_in": false,
    "double_opt_in_time": null,
    "account_key": "pwNtDm2h",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178/contacts/347"
        "list": {
            "href": "/v1/lists/3178"

Returns the updated contact instance.


PATCH /v1/lists/{list_id}/contacts/{id}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Standard Access


Field Description
email string, optional The email of the contact.
mobile string, optional The mobile phone number of the contact.
Example: 0400000000
[list_fields] string, optional List fields can be submitted when their name is has been converted to only use lowercase, alphanumeric or underscore characters. Values must match the field type.
Example: 03/06/20
subscribed object, optional The subscribed status of the contact. boolean, optional True if the contact's email is subscribed.
Example: true boolean, optional True is the contact's mobile phone number is subscribed.
Example: true
is_active boolean, optional The active status of the contact.
Example: true
double_opt_in boolean, optional If set to true then double_opt_in_time will be updated to the current time. Once a double_opt_in_time is not null it cannot be reverted.

Allowing a contact to be double opted in via the API is handy when your contacts have already verified their email via another product.

How double opt ins can help your email sends can be found in Improve Deliverability & Open Rates With a Double Opt-In Process.
Example: true


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses.

Code Description
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The list does not contain an email type field
Developer Message:
An email address field is required on the list in order to save this field
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The list does not contain a mobile phone type field
Developer Message:
A mobile phone address field is required on the list in order to save this field
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Double opt-in flag cannot be reset
Developer Message:
Double opt-in cannot be reset to false once it has been set to true
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Cannot create, modify or delete contacts in this list
Developer Message:
List is a system list which cannot be modified.

Delete Contacts

Delete one or more contacts within a single request.

Delete Multiple Contacts via Query Parameters

DELETE /v1/lists/174/contacts?id:in=47,14,98

Delete a Single Contact via Query Parameters

DELETE /v1/lists/174/contacts?id=674

Delete a Single Contact via URL Values

DELETE /v1/lists/174/contacts/28

HTTP Response

204 No Content
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


DELETE /v1/lists/{list_id}/contacts{?id}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Standard Access

Synchronous Actions

All contacts are deleted synchronously when sending as a collection. What does this mean for requests?


Field Description
id integer, optional Filter IDs by number filters. A maximum of 1000 contact ids can be sent per request.
Example: 7,12,354


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses.

Code Description
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Cannot create, modify or delete contacts in this list
Developer Message:
List is a system list which cannot be modified.
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Missing id filter in query string
Developer Message:
Bulk delete requests must include an "id=" or "id:in=" query parameter


A message is the metadata for an email or SMS template. Contacts can be sent messages.

The contents of messages are stored within a linked message content instance. These include the HTML/plain text for email message types and text for SMS message types. Message content can be customised with the use of wildcards and conditional wildcards.

Messages can be created via the JSON-RPC API or via the platform.

The Message Object

Example Message

    "id": 4847,
    "name": "Reset Password",
    "type": "email",
    "subject": "You requested to reset your password",
    "from_name": "Company Name",
    "from_address": "",
    "reply_to": "",
    "thumbnail_url": "",
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/messages/3847"
        "content": {
            "href": "/v1/messages/3847/content"


Field Description
id integer Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 4847
name string The name of the message.
Example: Reset Password
type enum, fixed The type of message. Values include email and sms.
Example: email
subject string, nullable The subject of the message.
Example: You requested to reset your password
from_name string, nullable The from name of the sender.
Example: Company Name
from_address string, nullable The from address of the sender.
reply_to string, nullable The reply-to address of the sender.
thumbnail_url string, nullable The URL of the thumbnail generated for the message.
creation_time string, timestamp The instance's creation time.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
last_modified_time string, timestamp The instance's last modified time.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
_links object Self discoverable links to the current object and message content are provided.

The Message Content Object

    "message_id": 4847,
    "body_html": "<html><body>Email</body></html>",
    "body_text": "Email",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/messages/3847/content"
        "message": {
            "href": "/v1/messages/3847"


Field Description
message_id integer Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 4847
body_html string, nullable The HTML body of the message (email message type only).
Example: <html><body>Email</body></html>
body_text string, nullable The text body of the message (Both sms and email message types).
Example: Email
_links object Self discoverable links to the current object and message are provided.

Get Messages

Get one or more messages with the following endpoints.

Get all Messages

HTTP Response

200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "size": 1,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/messages"
    "_embedded": {
        "messages": [
                "id": 4847,
                "name": "Reset Password",
                "type": "email",
                "subject": "You requested to reset your password",
                "from_name": "Company Name",
                "from_address": "",
                "reply_to": "",
                "thumbnail_url": "",
                "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
                "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": "/v1/messages/3847"
                    "content": {
                        "href": "/v1/messages/3847/content"

Returns a collection of your messages.


GET /v1/messages{?id,type,name,subject,from_name,from_address,reply_to,thumbnail_url,creation_time,last_modified_time,fields}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Limited Access


Field Description
id integer, optional Filter IDs by number filters.
Example: 754
type string, optional Filter by message type. Values include:
  • email - Email message
  • sms - SMS/Text message
Example: email
name string, optional Filter names by string filters.
Example: One Time Password
subject string, optional Filter subject by string filters.
Example: Reset Your Password
from_name string, optional Filter sender from name by string filters.
Example: Support Team
from_address string, optional Filter sender from address by string filters. These can be an email address for email types or a phone number for sms types.
reply_to string, optional Filter sender reply-to address by string filters. These can be an email address for email types. sms types do not utilise this field.
thumbnail_url string, optional Filter thumbnail url by string filters.
creation_time string, timestamp, optional Filter creation times by date and time filters.
Example: 2019-12-20T04:12:00Z
last_modified_time string, timestamp, optional Filter last modified times by date and time filters.
Example: 2019-12-20T04:12:00Z
fields string, optional Select the fields to be within responses. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • id
  • type
  • name
  • subject
  • from_name
  • from_address
  • reply_to
  • thumbnail_url
  • creation_time
  • last_modified_time
Example: id,from_address


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses. There are no endpoint specific errors for this request.

Get a Message

HTTP Response

200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id": 4847,
    "name": "Reset Password",
    "type": "email",
    "subject": "You requested to reset your password",
    "from_name": "Company Name",
    "from_address": "",
    "reply_to": "",
    "thumbnail_url": "",
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_modified_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/messages/3847"
        "content": {
            "href": "/v1/messages/3847/content"

Returns the message with the given ID.


GET /v1/messages/{id}{?expand,fields}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Limited Access


Field Description
id integer, required Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 294
expand string, optional Expand the response via one or more links. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • content - Emit the message content instance linked to the message.
fields string, optional Select the fields to be within responses. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • id
  • type
  • name
  • subject
  • from_name
  • from_address
  • reply_to
  • thumbnail_url
  • creation_time
  • last_modified_time
Example: id,from_address


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses. There are no endpoint specific errors for this request.

Get Message Contents

Get one or more message contents with the following endpoints.

Get a Message's Content instance

HTTP Response

200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "message_id": 4847,
    "body_html": "<html><body>Email</body></html>",
    "body_text": "Email",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/messages/3847/content"
        "message": {
            "href": "/v1/messages/3847"

Returns the message content with the given message ID.


GET /v1/messages/{message_id}/content{?expand,fields}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Limited Access


Field Description
message_id integer, required Unique identifier for the linked message.
Example: 294
expand string, optional Expand the response via one or more links. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • message - Emit the message instance linked to the message content.
fields string, optional Select the fields to be within responses. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • message_id
  • body_html
  • body_text
Example: id,body_html


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses. There are no endpoint specific errors for this request.

Transactional Sends

Transactional Email

    "type": "email",
    "list_id": 345,
    "group_name": "Happy Birthday",
    "message_id": 427,
    "recipients": [
            "email": "",
            "first_name": "John",
            "url_key": "dyr61Gv6p3"

Transactional sends let you send messages asynchronously. This is more flexible than a batch send. A send can be customised with dynamic content and unique recipient fields.

Benefits of transactional messages:

Both email and sms transactional types are supported.

JSON Examples

Copy and paste these JSON examples to start sending quickly.

All requests are sent to POST /v1/transactional-sends and will return 202 Accepted header codes when they are successfully added.

Send an email message to a contact

Transactional Email

    "type": "email",
    "list_id": 345,
    "group_name": "Happy Birthday",
    "message_id": 427,
    "subject": "It's been another year John!",
    "recipients": [
            "contact_id": 42187,
            "first_name": "John",
            "url_key": "oiserjoifdewh"

You will need the following:

Email message with custom content

Transactional Email

    "type": "email",
    "list_id": 345,
    "group_name": "Reset Password",
    "from_name": "Company Name",
    "from_address": "",
    "subject": "How to Reset your Password",
    "body_html": "<html><body>Hi %%name%%<br>Click <a src='%%reset_link%%'>here</a> to reset your password</body></html>",
    "body_text": "Hi %%name%%, visit %%reset_link%% to reset your password",
    "recipients": [
            "email": "",
            "name": "Sam",
            "reset_link": ""

You will need the following:

Send an SMS message to a contact

Transactional SMS

    "type": "sms",
    "list_id": 6148,
    "group_name": "SMS Promotional",
    "message_id": 2148,
    "from_address": "61400000000",
    "recipients": [
            "contact_id": 254,
            "promotion_name": "End of Year Sale"

You will need the following:

SMS Message without a list

Transactional SMS

    "type": "sms",
    "group_name": "Order Confirmations",
    "from_address": "61400000000",
    "body_text": "Congratulations! Your order %%order_number%% has been received and our warehouse staff will prepare it shortly.",
    "unsubscribe_type": "word",
    "recipients": [
            "mobile": "61400000000",
            "order_number": "ORD-45798789"

You will need the following:

Send to multiple contacts

Transactional SMS

    "type": "sms",
    "list_id": 6148,
    "group_name": "End of Month Reminders",
    "from_address": "61400000000",
    "body_text": "Hello! This is your end of month reminder to renew your license.",
    "recipients": [
            "contact_id": 517
            "contact_id": 58
            "contact_id": 9314

You will need the following:


Recipients must have at least one of these:

If contact_id is present, this will always be used to validate a recipient. Otherwise, email or mobile will be used, based on the message type.

When a list_id is provided, recipients are treated as contacts on the list identified by the list_id. Recipients with fields specified that don't match fields in the list will be added.

Email Recipients

Email Recipient Examples

    "contact_id": 2147
    "email": ""
    "email": "",
    "location": "Brisbane, Australia",
    "tickets": 3

Transactional email always requires a list_id.

An email recipient may be identified via:

SMS Recipients

SMS Recipient Examples

    "contact_id": 2147
    "mobile": "61400000000"
    "mobile": "61400000000",
    "ticket_url": ""

A list_id is not required for transactional SMS. When specified, recipients are treated as contacts on the list identified by the list_id.

SMS recipients may be identified by:

Valid Mobile Phone Numbers

Our API only accepts mobile numbers in international format without the leading + sign and without spaces.

For Australian numbers this means an 11-digit number consisting of country code (61) followed by the mobile number without the leading zero. Example: 61400000009.

These formats apply to any mobile fields, which include from_address, mobile and a list's Mobile field.

Transactional Groups

We group results for transactional sends into transactional groups. Transactional groups can be discovered via the transactional groups endpoints.

A transactional group can be linked by supplying a group_id or group_name.

Wildcards and Conditional Wildcards

Example Recipient Wildcards

    "contact_id": 457,
    "total_orders": 7,
    "token": "ORD-VqSPCzlxb7"

New wildcard and conditional wildcard values can be provided within each recipient. These values will override existing contact field values and are not saved after each send is complete.

These values will apply to the body_html, body_text, subject and the same fields within messages.

The following fields are reserved and may not be used as wildcards:

For more information on using wildcards and conditional wildcards, visit the wildcards introduction.

Email Domain Configuration

For email sends it is required that the domains used within the from_address and bcc_address fields are configured within the platform. A configured domain will require SPF and DKIM domain records to be added, supplied within the Account > Domains page in the platform.

You can find out more about how to configure your domain name at Emails Going to Spam? Set up Your Domain Records. Please note that certain domains may not send emails until they are configured.

Once a domain is configured within the platform then it will also be DMARC aligned, and eligible for a DMARC policy.

Email Attachments

An attachment shared by all recipients

    "type": "email",
    "list_id": 345,
    "group_name": "Happy Birthday",
    "message_id": 427,
    "recipients": [
            "email": ""
    "attachments": [
            "type": "application/pdf",
            "name": "terms_and_conditions.pdf",

Only will receive these 2 attachments

    "type": "email",
    "list_id": 345,
    "group_name": "Happy Birthday",
    "message_id": 427,
    "recipients": [
            "email": "",
            "attachments": [
                    "type": "application/pdf",
                    "name": "event_tickets.pdf",
                    "type": "image/png",
                    "name": "event_qr_code.png",
                    "content": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAYAAAAfFcSJAAAADUlEQVR42mNkYPhfDwAChwGA60e6kgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="

Attachments can be added for all and/or specific recipients via the attachments field.

Inline Attachments

Example Inline Attachment

    "type": "email",
    "list_id": 217,
    "group_name": "Register Today",
    "from_name": "Company Name",
    "from_address": "",
    "subject": "Register Today",
    "body_html": "<html><body>Hi %%name%%,<br/>Register with your QR code:<br/><img src='%%attachment:qr-code.png%%' alt=''/></body></html>",
    "recipients": [
            "email": "",
            "name": "Ben",
            "attachments": [
                    "type": "image/png",
                    "name": "qr-code.png",
                    "content": "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"

Attachments can be added to the body HTML via inline Content-ID identifiers. To add an inline attachment you can use a wildcard in the format of %%attachment:[]%%. The output will be similar to cid:content_[generated ID].

Generally inline attachments are used via Content-ID identifiers for images. e.g, <img src="%%attachment:[]%%" alt="" />.

We recommend that only the following types are used as image attachments:

In messages, it is recommended that you give a unique name to each inline attachment.

Accepted File Types

The following file types are accepted as attachments:

SMS Sender IDs

All sms sends must use a sender ID previously approved for use with SMS in the from_address.

A how-to guide for applying for a new Sender ID has been provided in our support article.

Examples include:

Dedicated numbers assigned to lists must be assigned to the from_address.

SMS Unsubscribe Methods

Stop/Unsubscribe Word Example

We're running a market sale on this weekend at 10:30 and you're invited!
Reply STOP to opt out

Link Example

We're running a market sale on this weekend at 10:30 and you're invited!
To opt out, go to

Recipients should have the ability to opt out of receiving further SMS messages. Our system provides multiple mechanisms to assist with unsubscribes via the unsubscribe_type parameter. Possible values for unsubscribe_type are:

Request Limits

All transactional sends are sent asynchronously. What does this mean for requests?

Each transactional send request has the following limits and validation criteria:

SMS Content Limits

When sending transactional SMS, it is important to consider that may not be sent if the body_text is too long. Our recommendation is to keep any SMS message sent to ~500 characters to reduce any risks of SMS message carriers rejecting the content from being sent.


If contacts are created or edited then automation triggers will be fired for each contact.

Recipient and Webhook Correlation

Example Response Body (2 recipients were provided in the request)

    "_embedded": {
        "recipients": [
                "uuid": "j4RwlxSNekLlaFF0vi2tPg"
                "uuid": "lCeoxEX9ZTqfzkiPxzws4Q"
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/transactional-sends"

To facilitate correlation and tracking of transactional sends, a uuid is returned for each recipient of a send.

The Transactional Send Object

Transactional email example

    "type": "email",
    "list_id": 345,
    "group_name": "Happy Birthday",
    "message_id": 427,
    "recipients": [
            "email": "",
            "first_name": "John",
            "url_key": "oiserjoifdewh"

HTTP Response

202 Accepted
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "_embedded": {
        "recipients": [
                "uuid": "j4RwlxSNekLlaFF0vi2tPg"
                "uuid": "lCeoxEX9ZTqfzkiPxzws4Q"
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/transactional-sends"

Send a message (via a message_id or raw HTML/text) to a list of recipients. The send report is stored against the transactional group transactional groups.


POST /v1/transactional-sends

Minimum API Key Access Level: Standard Access


Field Description
list_id integer Unique identifier for the linked list. Always required for Email.
Example: 89
group_id integer, optional Unique identifier for the linked group.
Example: 248
group_name string, optional Unique name for the linked group.
Example: Password Reset Report
message_id integer, optional Unique identifier for the linked message. Providing a message_id will override any type provided.
Example: 754
type enum, required The message send type. Values include:
  • email
  • sms
Example: email
unsubscribe_type enum, required The type of unsubscribing allowed on this send (see Unsubscribing).
Applies to SMS only. Values include:
  • none
  • word
  • link
Example: word
body_text string, optional The text body of the email and sms message types.
Example: Hi %%name%%, visit %%reset_link%% to reset your password
body_html string, optional The HTML body of the email message type. Applies to email only.
Example: Hi %%name%%<br>Click <a src="%%reset_link%%">here</a> to reset your password
subject string, optional The message subject line. Applies to email only.
Example: Password Reset
from_name string, optional The sender from name. Applies to email only.
Example: Vision6 Support
from_address string, optional The sender from address.
reply_to string, optional The sender reply-to address for email message types. Applies to email only.
bcc_address string, optional The sender bind carbon copy (bcc) address for email message types. Applies to email only.
include_unsubscribed boolean, optional By default all unsubscribed email addresses for the recipients supplied will not be sent to. To ignore this behaviour set this to true.
Example: false
recipients array, required Collection of recipients. A maximum of 100 recipients can be sent per request.
recipients.*.id string, optional Unique identifier for the contact.
Example: 135478
recipients.*.email string, optional The email of the contact. Applies to email only.
recipients.*.mobile string, optional The mobile phone number of the contact. Applies to SMS only. See Valid Phone Numbers
Example: 0400000000
attachments array, optional Collection of attachments. Applies to email only.
attachments.*.type string, required The mimetype of the attachment.
Example: text/calendar
attachments.*.name string, required The name of the attachment.
Example: this_meeting_could_have_been_an_email.ical
attachments.*.content string, required Base64 encoded attachment data.


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses.

Code Description
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Recipient does not have an email address field
Developer Message:
Missing email address field for the email message type send
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Recipient does not have a mobile number field
Developer Message:
Missing mobile number field for the sms message type send
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Selected list does not have an address field
Developer Message:
Add an email or mobile field to the list that matches the message type
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Message is empty. Add some content.
Developer Message:
Must provide content body
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Invalid send group
Developer Message:
Either group_id or group_name is required
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Cannot create group
Developer Message:
Maximum number of transactional groups exceeded
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
One or more attachments are invalid
Developer Message:
Attachment name contains invalid characters
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
One or more attachments are invalid
Developer Message:
Extension is not part of the valid set of extensions for the given mime type
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
One or more attachments are invalid
Developer Message:
Invalid base64 encoded content
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Your email must be verified before you can send
Developer Message:
Account owner email is not verified
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
You must choose one destination to send to. Use contact ID, email, or mobile.
Developer Message:
Recipient destination is ambiguous. Specify only one of contact_id, email or mobile
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Wildcard name contains invalid characters
Developer Message:
Wildcard name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, or _ (underscore)
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Wildcard name must be 255 or less characters long
Developer Message:
Wildcard name must not exceed 255 characters
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Wildcard replacement must be 10,000 or less characters long
Developer Message:
Wildcard replacement content must not exceed 10,000 characters
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Message subject is empty
Developer Message:
A subject must be provided either directly via the subject field or by using an existing message by providing message_id
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Message from name is empty
Developer Message:
The message specified by message_id does not have a from_name saved
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Message from address is invalid
Developer Message:
From address saved on message is no a valid address for the message type
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The domain in the from address must be validated before it can be used
Developer Message:
Address must be a validated domain configured in your account
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Message reply-to address is invalid
Developer Message:
reply_to not a valid address for the message type
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The domain in the Bcc address must be validated before it can be used
Developer Message:
Address must be a validated domain configured in your account
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
An unsubscribe_type cannot be provided along with a message_id
Developer Message:
When providing a message_id, it is expected for the message content to already contain the relevant stop words or opt-out link
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
An unsubscribe_type cannot be provided when the sender is not a virtual number
Developer Message:
SMS responses can only be collected for virtual numbers
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
You must provide a list_id
Developer Message:
A recipient can only be identified via contact_id in the context of a list. Provide a valid list_id or identify the recipient via mobile or email address
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The specified from_address cannot be used with this list
Developer Message:
The From address provided or saved against the message is assigned to a different list
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
The content provided does not contain a valid stop word
Developer Message:
If a list_id is provided, body_text must contain one of the stop words defined on the list. Otherwise, body_text should contain STOP

Transactional Groups

The results for transactional sends are added to transactional groups.

The Transactional Group Object

Example Transactional Group

    "id": 135478,
    "type": "email",
    "name": "Reset Password Messages",
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_sent_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "sent": 72,
    "failed_contacts": 2,
    "bounced": 0,
    "delivered": 70,
    "opened": 15,
    "clicked": 14,
    "unsubscribed": 0,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/transactional-groups/135478"


Field Description
id integer Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 135478
name string The name of the group. All group names are unique.
Example: Reset Password Messages
creation_time string, timestamp The instance's creation time.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
last_sent_time string, timestamp The instance's last sent time. This is the last time that a send was added to the group.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
sent integer Total recipients, i.e. total contact count that has been specified in all sends for this transactional group.
Example: 72
failed_contacts integer Total number of recipients that failed the validation.
Example: 2
bounced integer Total number of recipients that had an email bounce.
Example: 0
delivered integer Total number of recipients who successfully received a message.
Example: 70
opened integer One open is recorded for each individual recipient who opens a message, without duplicate opens.
Example: 15
clicked integer Total number of recipients that clicked any link (one or more links), one or more times.
Example: 14
unsubscribed integer Total number of recipients that unsubscribed because of a message from this transactional group (may happen multiple times per contact).
Example: 0
_links object Self discoverable links to the current object are provided.

Get Transactional Groups

Get one or more transactional groups with the following endpoints.

Get all Transactional Groups

HTTP Response

200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "size": 1,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/transactional-groups"
    "_embedded": {
        "transactional-groups": [
                "id": 135478,
                "type": "email",
                "name": "Reset Password Messages",
                "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
                "last_sent_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
                "sent": 72,
                "failed_contacts": 2,
                "bounced": 0,
                "delivered": 70,
                "opened": 15,
                "clicked": 14,
                "unsubscribed": 0,
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": "/v1/transactional-groups/135478"

Returns a collection of your transactional groups.


GET /v1/transactional-groups{?id,name,creation_time,last_sent_time,sent,failed_contacts,bounced,delivered,opened,clicked,unsubscribed,fields}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Report Access


Field Description
id integer, optional Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 54
type enum, required The group type. Values include:
  • email
  • sms
Example: email
name string, optional Filter names by string filters.
Example: One Time Password
creation_time string, timestamp, optional Filter creation times by date and time filters.
Example: 2019-12-20T04:12:00Z
last_sent_time string, timestamp, optional Filter last sent times by date and time filters.
Example: 2019-12-20T04:12:00Z
sent integer, optional Filter the total sent messages by number filters.
Example: 32187
failed_contacts integer, optional Filter the total failed contact messages by number filters.
Example: 35
bounced integer, optional Filter the total bounced messages by number filters.
Example: 0
delivered integer, optional Filter the total delivered messages by number filters.
Example: 17548
opened integer, optional Filter the total opened messages by number filters.
Example: 5648
clicked integer, optional Filter the total clicked messages by number filters.
Example: 4975
unsubscribed integer, optional Filter the total unsubscribed messages by number filters.
Example: 23
fields string, optional Select the fields to be within responses. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • id
  • name
  • creation_time
  • last_sent_time
  • sent
  • failed_contacts
  • bounced
  • delivered
  • opened
  • clicked
  • unsubscribed
Example: id,sent


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses. There are no endpoint specific errors for this request.

Get a Transactional Group

HTTP Response

200 OK
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id": 135478,
    "type": "email",
    "name": "Reset Password Messages",
    "creation_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "last_sent_time": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "sent": 72,
    "failed_contacts": 2,
    "bounced": 0,
    "delivered": 70,
    "opened": 15,
    "clicked": 14,
    "unsubscribed": 0,
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/v1/transactional-groups/135478"

Returns the transactional group with the given ID.


GET /v1/transactional-groups/{id}{?fields}

Minimum API Key Access Level: Report Access


Field Description
id integer, optional Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 54
fields string, optional Select the fields to be within responses. Multiple values can be grouped by commas. Values include:
  • id
  • name
  • creation_time
  • last_sent_time
  • sent
  • failed_contacts
  • bounced
  • delivered
  • opened
  • clicked
  • unsubscribed
Example: id,sent


Please view our Errors documentation for a list of common error responses. There are no endpoint specific errors for this request.


Webhooks open opportunities for automated practises such as reacting to email opens, contact synchronisation and bounced email tracking.

Instead of requiring regular checks for updates via the API, webhooks send events direct to application URLs after they happen. Sending updates directly to applications allows for them to be kept up to date when our data changes or events are performed.

Batched events

When we send events to your application they'll be grouped together in batches of up to 1000 events that are spaced out by 10 second intervals. This means that when there's a lot happening in your account you'll receive all updates in smaller chunks that won't overload your application.

For example, if a user uploads 10,000 contacts from a spreadsheet we'll let you know of all changes over 10 separate webhook requests in 1 minute, 40 seconds.


Webhook Requests

Example Webhook Content Body

    "events": [
            "object": "recipient",
            "event": "sent",
            "id": 1000059,
            "report_id": 45,
            "message_id": 9,
            "message_type": "email",
            "list_id": 27,
            "contact_id": 1837,
            "email": "",
            "timestamp": "2021-03-01T02:29:39Z"
            "object": "contact",
            "event": "created",
            "id": 1833,
            "list_id": 27,
            "timestamp": "2021-01-15T05:47:23Z"

Events are sent with the following specifications:


Field Description
events array A collection of webhook event instances.
events.* object Each webhook event instance can use the attributes outlined in Contact Events and Recipient Events. A maximum of 1000 webhook event instances can be sent per request.
events.*.object enum, fixed The instance type. Values include contact and recipient.
Example: recipient
events.*.event enum, fixed The action that has occurred.
Example: created
events.*.timestamp string, timestamp The datetime logged when the event occurred.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z


The integrity of payloads can be verified by confirming one or more signed keys provided in every webhook request. There are multiple comma separated JWT signatures within the value of the Vision6-Signature header. A single verified signed key is enough to positively verify the payload.

We provide multiple signed keys for each webhook to allow applications to rotate their signed keys with a lowered risk of downtime or missed requests when updating signed keys.

For instructions on how to validate a JWT signature you can read the official JWT introduction. The secret values used to verify signatures are found within the platform.

Handling Failures

If application URLs do not respond to a webhook requests with successful HTTP status codes (200-299) then the responses are deemed to be errors. Redirection HTTP status codes (300-399) are also deemed to be errors and any returned location header values are not followed.

Requests are re-sent after error responses. Events expire after a day of failed requests.

Returning a 410 HTTP code will immediately delete the webhook.

Contact Events

The contact object events sent by webhooks are:

All examples within each event are shown as individual webhook events. They are placed within the events.* collection of webhook requests.

Contact Webhook Attributes

This instance contains instructions for locating a list's contact and how to identify the event that occurred.

Field Description
object enum, fixed The instance type. Values include contact.
Example: contact
event enum, fixed The action that has occurred. Values include:
  • created
  • updated
  • deleted
Example: created
id integer Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 347
list_id integer The list id of the list that the contact is in.
Example: 3178
timestamp string, timestamp The datetime logged when the event occurred.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z

Contacts Created

Example Contact Created Event

    "object": "contact",
    "event": "created",
    "id": 1000059,
    "list_id": 27,
    "timestamp": "2021-01-15T05:47:23Z"

This event is triggered when a contact is created.

Examples include:


Recipient instances include all fields in contact webhook attributes.

Contacts Updated

Example Contact Sent Event

    "object": "contact",
    "event": "updated",
    "id": 1000059,
    "list_id": 27,
    "timestamp": "2021-01-15T05:47:23Z"

This event is triggered when a contact is updated.

Examples include:


Recipient instances include all fields in contact webhook attributes.

Contacts Deleted

Example Contact Deleted Event

    "object": "contact",
    "event": "deleted",
    "id": 1000059,
    "list_id": 27,
    "timestamp": "2021-01-15T05:47:23Z"

This event is triggered when a contact is deleted.

Examples include:


Recipient instances include all fields in contact webhook attributes.

Recipient Events

For emails, the recipient object events sent by webhooks are:

For SMS, the recipient object events sent by webhooks are:

All examples within each event are shown as individual webhook events. They are placed within the events.* collection of webhook requests.

How to identify how recipients are sent

There are variants of unique identifiers to track how recipients have been sent. Here are all situations that can occur.

Recipient Webhook Attributes

This instance contains instructions to identify how the recipient was sent, with additional data for the event triggered.

Note that there are many optional attributes within a recipient instance. If a particular attribute is not found within the instance, then it is not relevant to the event. For example, a recipient sent from a transactional send will not have automation_id and step_id attributes supplied.

Field Description
object enum, fixed The instance type. Values include recipient.
Example: recipient
event enum, fixed The action that occurred. Values include:
  • sent
  • opened
  • clicked
  • bounced
  • failed
Example: sent
id integer Unique identifier for the instance.
Example: 3178
automation_id integer, optional Unique identifier for the linked automation.
Example: 48
step_id integer, optional Unique identifier for the linked automation's step.
Example: 978
uuid string, optional Unique identifier for a recipient.
Example: j4RwlxSNekLlaFF0vi2tPg
group_id integer, optional Unique identifier for the linked group.
Example: 248
group_name string, optional Unique name for the linked group.
Example: Password Reset Report
message_id integer, optional Unique identifier for the linked message.
Example: 754
message_type enum, fixed, optional The type of message. Values include email and sms.
Example: email
list_id integer, optional Unique identifier for the linked list.
Example: 89
contact_id integer, optional Unique identifier for the linked list's contact.
Example: 478
email string, optional The email of the contact.
mobile string, optional The mobile phone number of the contact.
Example: 0400000000
timestamp string, timestamp The datetime logged when the event occurred.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z

Recipients Sent

Example Recipient Sent Event

    "object": "recipient",
    "event": "sent",
    "id": 1000059,
    "report_id": 45,
    "message_id": 9,
    "message_type": "email",
    "list_id": 27,
    "contact_id": 1837,
    "email": "",
    "timestamp": "2021-03-01T02:29:39Z"

This event is triggered when a recipient is sent a message.

Examples include:


Recipient instances include all fields in recipient webhook attributes.

Recipients Opened

Example Recipient Opened Event

    "object": "recipient",
    "event": "opened",
    "id": 16000002,
    "uuid": "j4RwlxSNekLlaFF0vi2tPg",
    "group_id": 1,
    "group_name": "Reset Password",
    "message_id": 9,
    "message_type": "email",
    "list_id": 27,
    "contact_id": 1832,
    "email": "",
    "device_type": "Desktop",
    "device_name": "Gmail",
    "country_code": "AU",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-15T02:58:51Z"

This event is triggered when a recipient successfully opens the email message that has been sent to them.

Examples include:


Recipient instances include all fields in recipient webhook attributes with the addition of the following attributes:

Field Description
device_type string, optional A description of the type of device used to interact with the message.
Example: Desktop
device_name string, optional A description of the device / mail client used to interact with the message.
Example: Gmail
country_code string, optional The last known country location of the device that interacted with the message. Formatted as an ISO 3166 Alpha-2 2 character country code.
Example: AU

Recipients Acknowledged

Example Recipient Acknowledged Event

    "object": "recipient",
    "event": "acknowledged",
    "id": 16000002,
    "uuid": "j4RwlxSNekLlaFF0vi2tPg",
    "group_id": 1,
    "group_name": "Reset Password SMS",
    "message_id": 9,
    "message_type": "sms",
    "list_id": 27,
    "contact_id": 1832,
    "mobile": "61400000000",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-15T02:58:51Z"

This event is triggered when the handset of a recipient acknowledges having received a SMS. This is dependent on the recipient's device acknowledging having received a SMS.

Recipients Clicked

Example Recipient Clicked Event

    "object": "recipient",
    "event": "clicked",
    "id": 16000002,
    "uuid": "j4RwlxSNekLlaFF0vi2tPg",
    "group_id": 1,
    "group_name": "Reset Password",
    "message_id": 9,
    "message_type": "email",
    "list_id": 27,
    "contact_id": 1832,
    "mobile": "61400000000",
    "device_type": "Desktop",
    "device_name": "Gmail",
    "link_url": "",
    "link_type": "html_email",
    "country_code": "AU",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-15T02:58:53Z"

This event is triggered when a recipient successfully clicks a link within the message that was sent to them.

Examples include:


Recipient instances include all fields in recipient webhook attributes with the addition of the following attributes:

Field Description
device_type string, optional A description of the type of device used to interact with the message.
Example: Desktop
device_name string, optional A description of the device or mail client used to interact with the message.
Example: Gmail
link_url string, optional The url of the link clicked.
link_type string, optional The type of link clicked. Values include html_email and text_email.
Example: html_email
country_code string, optional The last known country location of the device that interacted with the message. Formatted as an ISO 3166 Alpha-2 2 character country code.
Example: AU

Recipients Bounced

Example Recipient Bounced Event

    "object": "recipient",
    "event": "bounced",
    "id": 16000003,
    "uuid": "j4RwlxSNekLlaFF0vi2tPg",
    "group_id": 1,
    "group_name": "Reset Password",
    "message_id": 9,
    "message_type": "email",
    "list_id": 27,
    "contact_id": 1843,
    "email": "",
    "bounce_reason": "Incorrect Domain",
    "bounce_string": "Status: 5.1.2 (bad destination system: no such domain)",
    "is_temporary_bounce": false,
    "timestamp": "2021-01-15T02:58:55Z"

This event is triggered when a recipient has been sent and not reached successfully. When this occurs the outcome is reported within the bounce_reason, bounce_string and is_temporary_bounce attributes.

All bounce data should be considered accurate at the time the bounce was recorded. That said, from time to time there are going to be false positives. If you believe there is a false positive, we would recommend getting in contact directly with the recipient to follow up.

For a full and complete list of bounce status codes and reasons, please refer to the RFC available here:

Examples include:


Recipient instances include all fields in recipient webhook attributes with the addition of the following attributes:

Field Description
bounce_reason string, optional A short description of why the message bounced.
Example: No such Mailbox
bounce_string string, optional Further diagnostic information about the bounce, typically including the bounce status code received from the remote mail system.
Example: Status: 5.1.1 (bad destination mailbox address)
is_temporary_bounce boolean, optional Indicates if this was a temporary bounce. If set to false then assume that this is a permanent bounce.
Example: false

Recipients Failed

Example Recipient Failed Event

    "object": "recipient",
    "event": "failed",
    "id": 16000002,
    "uuid": "j4RwlxSNekLlaFF0vi2tPg",
    "group_id": 1,
    "group_name": "Reset Password",
    "message_id": 9,
    "message_type": "email",
    "list_id": 27,
    "contact_id": 1832,
    "fail_reason": "The contact cannot be found",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-15T02:58:51Z"

This event is triggered when an attempt to send a message to a recipient has failed.

If this event occurs then visit the product to ensure that the contact, list, message and/or transactional groups required still exist and can be successfully saved.


Recipient instances include all fields in recipient webhook attributes with the addition of the following attributes:

Field Description
fail_reason string, optional A short description of why Vision6 failed to send the message.
Example: `The contact cannot be found

SMS Events

The SMS events sent by webhooks are:

SMS Received

Example SMS received

    "object": "sms",
    "event": "received",
    "id": 16000002,
    "uuid": "j4RwlxSNekLlaFF0vi2tPg",
    "group_id": 1,
    "group_name": "Marketing Messages",
    "message_id": 9,
    "message_type": "sms",
    "list_id": 27,
    "contact_id": 1832,
    "mobile": "61400000000",
    "body_text": "UNSUBSCRIBE",
    "timestamp": "2021-01-15T02:58:51Z"

This event is triggered when an SMS response has been received.


The instance include all fields in recipient webhook attributes with the addition of the following attributes:

Field Description
body_text string, optional The contents of the SMS response.


Conventional HTTP response codes are used to indicate the success or failure of an API request. HTTP response codes in the 2xx range indicate success, while codes in the 4xx range indicate an error.

Response Payload

Invalid Request Schema Response

422 Unprocessable Entity
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id": "80001b6ad17281e4113cc5731d7f636ed3eca12d",
    "method": "POST",
    "status": 422,
    "type": "validation_error",
    "code": "invalid_attachment_name",
    "message": "There was an error in the request",
    "developer_message": "Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid",
    "field": "name",
    "collection": "attachments",
    "index": 2,
    "timestamp": "2020-12-15T03:50:21Z",
    "_links": {
        "error": {
            "href": "/rest-api/#transactional-send-endpoint-errors"
        "self": {
            "href": "[current_url]"

Empty Request Body Response

400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id": "ad4b90ae927dcd450bc238b7bf2729a0afe9d8ca",
    "method": "GET",
    "status": 400,
    "type": "invalid_request",
    "code": "invalid_request",
    "message": "The server did not understand the request.",
    "developer_message": "Check that the request body is properly encoded and not empty.",
    "timestamp": "2020-04-05T23:46:02Z",
    "_links": {
        "error": {
            "href": "/rest-api/#errors"
        "self": {
            "href": "[current_url]"


Field Description
id string The identifier for this error. This is not unique and is generated per response.
Example: ad4b90ae927dcd450bc238b7bf2729a0afe9d8ca
method enum, fixed The HTTP verb used for the current request. Values include:
  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • HEAD
Example: POST
status integer The HTTP response code. Values include:
  • 400 - Bad Request
  • 401 - Unauthorized
  • 403 - Forbidden
  • 404 - Not Found
  • 405 - Method Not Allowed
  • 409 - Conflict
  • 422 - Unprocessable Entity
  • 429 - Too Many Requests
  • 503 - Unavailable
Example: 422
type string The type of error provided. This is supplemented by the code. Values include:
  • ApiKeyInvalid
  • ApiKeyMissing
  • Conflict
  • InvalidApiVersion
  • InvalidRequest
  • IpRestricted
  • MethodNotAllowed
  • NotFound
  • PermissionDenied
  • ServiceUnavailable
  • SslRequired
  • TooManyRequests
  • ValidationError
Example: NotFound
code string, optional The key to represent the error. This is supplemented by the type.
Example: invalid_boolean
message string A user friendly error message.
Example: The server did not understand the request.
developer_message string A message to assist developers with correcting the request payload.
Example: Check that the request body is properly encoded and not empty.
field string, optional The field the error was caused by.
Example: mobile
collection string, optional If the error was caused by an element in a collection; the collection field.
Example: contacts
index integer, optional If the error was caused by an element in a collection; the element's index in the collection.
Example: 427
timestamp string, timestamp The creation time of this error.
Example: 2020-04-05T23:46:02Z
_links object Self discoverable links to the current object are provided. In addition a url to the documentation is also included for this error.
Example: /rest-api/#400-bad-request

Type Error Messages

The following errors are relevant to all error responses from the API.

Code Description
Type: invalid_requestStatus: 400
The server did not understand the request.
Developer Message:
The request was invalid. Check that the request is correct and try again.
Type: invalid_api_versionStatus: 400
Invalid API version
Developer Message:
The API version number was invalid. Check that the request is correct and try again.
Type: api_key_missingStatus: 401
Incorrect authentication details
Developer Message:
Authentication is required but the Authorization header was missing from the request
Type: api_key_invalidStatus: 401
Incorrect authentication details
Developer Message:
The authentication details supplied in the Authorization header were invalid
Type: api_key_invalidStatus: 401
Incorrect authentication details
Developer Message:
The access token is incompatible with this API. Please generate a new one
Type: ip_restrictedStatus: 403
You do not have permission to access the resource
Developer Message:
Account security settings prevent access from this IP
Type: permission_deniedStatus: 403
You do not have permission to access the resource
Developer Message:
Check to make sure you have permission to perform the requested operation
Type: ssl_requiredStatus: 403
You do not have permission to access the resource
Developer Message:
API is only accessible via https
Type: not_foundStatus: 404
Could not find the requested resource.
Developer Message:
Check the requested URI to make sure it corresponds to a valid resource.
Type: method_not_allowedStatus: 405
The operation is not permitted.
Developer Message:
The HTTP method used to access the resource is not permitted. Use OPTIONS to confirm the available methods.
Type: conflictStatus: 409
There was an issue with the request.
Developer Message:
Check the fields object for more information and correct any issues before resubmitting the request.
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
There was an error in the request
Developer Message:
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Type: too_many_requestsStatus: 429
You do not have permission to access the resource
Developer Message:
Too many requests. API rate limit exceeded
Type: service_unavailableStatus: 503
The service you requested is not available at this time
Developer Message:
The service may be busy or down for maintenance. Please retry the request in a few moments

Schema Error Messages

The following errors are returned in situations where the field values within the requested payload are invalid.

Code Description
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Required field
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must not be empty
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Too many characters or elements
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Too few characters or elements
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be between "[parameter]" and "[parameter]"
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a string
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a boolean
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be an integer
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a number
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a positive number
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a valid bitfield combination
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be an array
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Invalid object, collection or invalid elements
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a valid collection
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
The specified object could not be found. Check the id and try again
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a valid URL
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a valid ISO 8601 date string
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a valid ISO 8601 date and time string
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a valid date
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a valid date and time
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a valid email address
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Must be a valid mobile number
Type: validation_errorStatus: 422
Check all the fields supplied in the request are valid
Developer Message:
Unexpected field in request

Filter Error Messages

The following errors are returned in situations where the search filter within the requested payload are invalid.

Code Description
Type: invalid_requestStatus: 400
The time zone is invalid or not supported
Developer Message:
The time zone supplied in the "_tz" query string parameter is invalid or not supported
Type: invalid_requestStatus: 400
The "[parameter]" parameter is not a valid search filter
Developer Message:
The "[parameter]" query string parameter is not supported for this resource
Type: invalid_requestStatus: 400
The "[parameter]" parameter is not available for this request method
Developer Message:
The "[parameter]" query string parameter is not available for this HTTP request method
Type: invalid_requestStatus: 400
The "[parameter]" parameter is not a valid search filter
Developer Message:
The "[parameter]" operator is not a valid search operator
Type: invalid_requestStatus: 400
The "[query_field]" filter is not valid
Developer Message:
The syntax of the "[query_field]" query string parameter is not valid or is incorrect for this type of field
Type: invalid_requestStatus: 400
Full text search is not available for this resource
Developer Message:
The "q" query string parameter is not supported for this resource
Type: invalid_requestStatus: 400
The "order_by" parameter is not valid
Developer Message:
The syntax of the "order_by" parameter is not valid or it contains an unknown field
Type: invalid_requestStatus: 400
The result limit must be a positive number
Developer Message:
The "limit" query string parameter must be a positive integer
Type: invalid_requestStatus: 400
The result offset must be a positive number
Developer Message:
The "offset" query string parameter must be a positive integer
Type: invalid_requestStatus: 400
The "[field_list]" filter is not valid
Developer Message:
The "[field_list]" filter must be a valid comma separated list

Migration Guide

If you are migrating from the JSON-RPC API then we suggest reading through all methods that are existing in your use case for migration notes and examples.

Lists Migration

The following methods have migration recommendations.


Get All Lists

GET /v1/lists?limit=0

When migrating from the countLists method you can:


Get All Lists

GET /v1/lists?id:in=478

When migrating from the getListById method you can:


Get All Lists

GET /v1/lists

When migrating from the searchLists method you can:

Contacts Migration

The following methods have migration recommendations.


Create Multiple Contacts

POST /v1/lists/174/contacts
    "contacts": [
            "email": "fgdgfdsgsdf@gfdgfsd.gfsd",
            "account_key": "pwNtDm2h"
            "mobile": "0400000000",
            "subscribed": {
                "email": false,
                "mobile": true

When migrating from the addContacts method you can:

Automations will need to be updated to use new REST API specific Automation Triggers.

The overwrite field is not currently supported, but may be introduced at a later stage.


Update Multiple Contacts

PATCH /v1/lists/174/contacts
    "contacts": [
            "id": 3487,
            "double_opt_in": true

When migrating from the confirmContact method you can:

Automation events are not carried over from the JSON-RPC API.


Get All Contacts

GET /v1/lists/174/contacts?limit=0

When migrating from the countContacts method you can:


Update Multiple Contacts

PATCH /v1/lists/174/contacts
    "contacts": [
            "id": 3487,
            "is_active": false

When migrating from the deactivateContact method you can:

Automation events are not carried over from the JSON-RPC API.


Delete Contacts

DELETE /v1/lists/174/contacts?id:in=23,467,42

When migrating from the deleteContacts method you can:


Update Multiple Contacts

PATCH /v1/lists/174/contacts
    "contacts": [
            "id": 3487,
            "email": ""

When migrating from the editContacts method you can:


Get All Contacts

GET /v1/lists/174/contacts?id:in=478

When migrating from the getContactById method you can:


Update Multiple Contacts

PATCH /v1/lists/174/contacts
    "contacts": [
            "id": 3487,
            "is_active": true

When migrating from the reactivateContact method you can:

Automation events are not carried over from the JSON-RPC API.


Update Multiple Contacts

PATCH /v1/lists/174/contacts
    "contacts": [
            "id": 3487,
            "subscribed": {
                "email": true,
                "mobile": false

When migrating from the resubscribeContact method you can:

Automation events are not carried over from the JSON-RPC API.

The consent_type, consent_text, list_preferences and ip_address fields are not currently supported, but may be introduced at a later stage.


Get All Contacts

GET /v1/lists/174/contacts

When migrating from the searchContacts method you can:


Create Multiple Contacts

POST /v1/lists/174/contacts
    "contacts": [
            "id": 3487,
            "subscribed": {
                "email": true,
                "mobile": true

When migrating from the subscribeContact method you can:

The consent_type, consent_text, list_preferences and ip_address fields are not currently supported, but may be introduced at a later stage.


Update Multiple Contacts

PATCH /v1/lists/174/contacts
    "contacts": [
            "id": 3487,
            "subscribed": {
                "email": false,
                "mobile": false

When migrating from the unsubscribeContact method you can:

Automation events are not carried over from the JSON-RPC API.


Update Multiple Contacts

PATCH /v1/lists/174/contacts
    "contacts": [
            "id": 3487,
            "subscribed": {
                "email": false,
                "mobile": false

When migrating from the unsubscribeContact method you can:

Automation events are not carried over from the JSON-RPC API.

Messages Migration

The following methods have migration recommendations.


Get All Messages

GET /v1/messages?limit=0

When migrating from the countMessages method you can:


Get All Messages

GET /v1/messages?id:in=478

When migrating from the getMessageById method you can:


Get All Messages

GET /v1/messages

When migrating from the searchMessages method you can:

Transactional Migration

Documentation for sending transactional messages is found within Transactional Sends.



